Posted by: Megan | June 19, 2010

Pictures of our first days here

I think I have finally figured out how to upload pictures here.  Anyway, these are some photos of our first couple of days in South Africa:

Garth and Greg celebrate after we pick up our tickets

A rental car... if only it were ours!

The day after we arrived was the opening day of the tournament, so we went up to a nearby pub to watch South Africa play Mexico with a bunch of South African fans. All of us but Greg wore yellow and/or green in solidarity with Bafana Bafana (the South African team), so we didn’t let him into the picture:

Dad, me, Mom, and Garth in the pub before South Africa vs Mexico

When SA scored, the whole place went insane, but sadly we only managed very blurry pictures of the chaos.  Pathetically, this was the best one:

South African fans go ballistic after they score against Mexico

After the match, we met up with the Schlichter family for dinner (they are old family friends of ours, also here for the World Cup):

Dinner with the Schlichter family after SA vs Mexico

Next up:  USA vs England pictures!


  1. Hi megan,gr8 pictures!kleeema:)

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