Posted by: Megan | June 19, 2010

USA vs England

On June 12 we all headed up to Rustenburg, a little town to the northwest of Johannesburg, to watch the USA play England.  Rustenburg itself is pretty small and was not really prepared to handle crowds of the magnitude that showed up, unfortunately, so we had a pretty miserable time getting there and getting back.  But the game itself was a lot of fun, even if the US can’t manage to play defense.  All of us but Garth got to sit in the middle of the US Supporters’ Club section, so we didn’t sit down for the entire match.  And now, pictures!

Before the match in Rustenburg

Some enterprising fellow put up a sign saying “tuck shop”outside his house.  If there was food, it was long gone by the time we got there around 3:30 pm.  The enormous beers were available until maybe 4:30.  The game, meanwhile, started at 8:30 pm, and this was the only thing near the stadium selling any kind of refreshment at all:

Rustenburg tuck shop outside stadium

We finally got inside the stadium, found our seats in the midst of all the other fans, and got ready for kickoff:

Greg and me in the Royal Bafokeng Stadium... only 3 hours before kickoff!

USA and England teams walk onto the field

And we're off!

cheering in the US fan section

Dad and Greg during halftime

Mom, Dad, and I celebrate after the game

Now I’m off to Rustenburg again to watch Ghana play Australia, and hopefully beat them and clinch their spot in the round of 16.  I shall not be visiting the tuck shop.

Next up:  pictures of our trip to Bloemfontein and Port Elizabeth.  An ostrich will make an appearance.


  1. Gr8 pictures Megan!kleema,hush :).

  2. WOW. Looks like a great trip. Just finished watching the US win it in the 90th minute. I hope you didn’t leave early. J/j

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